Swim Lesson Wetsuits

Swim lessons are not like playing in the pool; there is a lot of sitting and listening.  While the pool is heated, it doesn’t take much for a cold snap or a big summer rain to drop the water temperature. Whether your child seems impervious to the cold or is cold-sensitive, a swim lesson wetsuit can only help keep them focused and happy in the water, no matter the circumstances. Not all wet suits are the same, and, luckily, expense is not a determining factor. I recommend one brand only… Warmbelly.com

Goggles – Ages 2-5 With An Average or Low Nose Bridge

These are excellent choices for children ages 5 yrs. and under. The key to sizing is the bridge of the nose. While your child is wearing them, look where the nose bridge piece meets the eye of the goggle. If the goggles are too large, there will be a gap/opening in that under-part of the goggle which will allow water to leak in. Tightening the goggle, will not fix this issue. (a blind spot for parents).

Goggles – All Ages, Extra Wide Nose

Information coming soon.

Goggles – Ages 6 and Up

Information coming soon.

Swim Diapers

Information coming soon.

Personal Care

Information coming soon.